Sport Relief 2006 - Dare to be Bare Thanks to everyone who turned out for the mile races on 13 July. We raised over £476.10, and had some fun in the process. The first three in each of the races were: Rounders Mile 1 Lee Hartley 6:35 2 Roger Thetford 6:42 3 Fiona Hunter 6:50 Men's Mile 1= Pete Flavel 5:46 1= Roger Thetford 5:46 3 Colin Moore 5:47 Women's Mile 1 Frances Burge 6:37 2 Helen Brackenbury 6:56 3 Fiona Hunter 7:05 Especial congratulations to Roger, Frances, George Hostford and Neil Carr who all dared to be bare (somewhat!). The photo gallery has some revealing photos.