2014 Oxon Megafinal Under 14 to Under 18

Final Standings

Place Name                 Feder Club                    Score Progr.

  1   Anna Wang            U15G  Oxford High School      6       21.0   Suprema
  2   Marcus Harvey        U18B  The Marlborough School  5       17.0   Supremo
 3-4  Chantelle Foster     U17G  Aylesbury High School   4.5     17.5   Suprema
      Zoë Varney           U14G  Headington School       4.5     17.5   Suprema
 5-8  Maria Wang           U18G  Oxford High School      4       17.0   Suprema
      Daniel D'Souza-Eva   U15B  Magdalen College School 4       16.0   Supremo
      Anezka Macey-Dare    U17G  Headington School       4       14.0
      Matyas Hánisch       U18B  Oxford Spires Academy   4       12.0
 9-15 Kirill Lasis         U17B  Magdalen College School 3       13.0   Supremo
      Susana Bennett Anton U15G  Cumnor Chess Club       3       12.0
      Liam McKnight        U14B  Magdalen College School 3       11.0   Supremo (after play off)
      Vance Van Winkle     U14B  Kingham Hill School     3       11.0
      Ben Ariel Onime      U14B  Kingham Hill School     3       10.0
      Connor Dalton        U15B  Wood Green School       3       10.0
      David Sterrie        U15B  Cumnor Chess Club       3        9.0
16-18 Lincoln Martin       U15B  Wood Green School       2.5      9.5
      Rui Manaia           U15B  Wood Green School       2.5      7.5
      Craig Young          U15B  Wood Green School       2.5      5.5
19-21 Stephi Bourliakas    U14G  Gosford Hill School     2        9.0
      George Christian     U16B  Wood Green School       2        6.0   Supremo
      Toby Ruoss           U14B  Kingham Hill School     2        3.0
 22   Kieran McCrorie      U15B  Wood Green School       1.5      5.5
 23   Alexander Markwell   U15B  Kingham Hill School     1        4.0
 24   Kieran Minns         U15B  Wood Green School       0        0.0

Cross Table

No Name                 Total  1    2    3    4    5    6  

1  Anna Wang            6     23:+ 15:+  2:+  5:+  4:+  6:+
2  Marcus Harvey        5     24:+ 11:+  1:- 12:+  3:+  5:+
3  Chantelle Foster     4.5   22:+  8:+ 10:+  4:=  2:- 11:+
4  Zoë Varney           4.5   21:+  9:+ 11:+  3:=  1:- 12:+
5  Maria Wang           4     12:+  7:+  6:+  1:-  9:+  2:-
6  Daniel D'Souza-Eva   4     20:+ 16:+  5:- 19:+  7:+  1:-
7  Anezka Macey-Dare    4     13:+  5:- 17:+ 14:+  6:-  9:+
8  Matyas Hánisch       4     18:+  3:- 19:- 23:+ 16:+ 13:+
9  Kirill Lasis         3      0:+  4:- 15:+ 10:+  5:-  7:-
10 Susana Bennett Anton 3     14:+ 24:+  3:-  9:- 13:- 19:+
11 Liam McKnight        3     17:+  2:-  4:- 20:+ 19:+  3:-
12 Vance Van Winkle     3      5:- 20:+ 13:+  2:- 14:+  4:-
13 Ben Ariel Onime      3      7:- 18:+ 12:- 21:+ 10:+  8:-
14 Connor Dalton        3     10:- 23:+ 16:+  7:- 12:- 22:+
15 David Sterrie        3     19:+  1:-  9:- 16:- 22:+ 20:+
16 Lincoln Martin       2.5    0:+  6:- 14:- 15:+  8:- 18:=
17 Rui Manaia           2.5   11:- 21:+  7:- 22:= 18:- 24:+
18 Craig Young          2.5    8:- 13:- 23:- 24:+ 17:+ 16:=
19 Stephi Bourliakas    2     15:- 22:+  8:+  6:- 11:- 10:-
20 George Christian     2      6:- 12:- 24:+ 11:- 23:+ 15:-
21 Toby Ruoss           2      4:- 17:- 22:- 13:- 24:+ 23:+
22 Kieran McCrorie      1.5    3:- 19:- 21:+ 17:= 15:- 14:-
23 Alexander Markwell   1      1:- 14:- 18:+  8:- 20:- 21:-
24 Kieran Minns         0      2:- 10:- 20:- 18:- 21:- 17:-
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