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2021-2022 Individual Under 1640 Knock Out

2021-2022 Individual Under 1640 Knock Out

Results in bold type have been confirmed by both sides. Results submitted in the last seven days are highlighted.

'Add-result' links appear only to logged-in managers of the teams involved in a tie, or club officials. If there's no link but you think there should be, click on the team name to find out who has been set up as manager, then contact the competition secretary if this is wrong. The competition secretary should also be able to answer any other queries about the competition.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Winner
by by by  
Andy Johnson
Fred Dickson
Andy Johnson (1-0) Andy Johnson (1-0) Peter Stiff (0-2)
Adrian Grimes
Malcolm Harding
Malcolm Harding (0-1)
Peter Stiff
Jason Madden
Peter Stiff (1-0) Peter Stiff (1.5-0.5)
Steve Rumsby
Mike Johnson
Steve Rumsby (1-0)