Results for Riley, Evangelos Results for Riley, Evangelos (St Josephs Catholic PS)

Results for Riley, Evangelos (St Josephs Catholic PS)

ECF Rating Information

The ECF Rating Code for this player has not been declared or is invalid.

From 2011-12 to 2019-20, grades were published in both July and January; both grades are listed. From 2020 onwards three-digit 'grades' were replaced by four-digit 'ratings'.

Opponents' ratings are fetched automatically from the ECF site. A missing rating implies that the a player's Rating Code has not been input by the team captain, or that the present rating is blank.

Note: Cup results (if any) follow the oldest league results.

League results

2023-24 Under 11 inter-school matches

Rapid rating initial, final
date for board against result
14 Nov 2023 St Josephs U11B (A) 2 Summer Fields U11B 0
1 Dec 2023 St Josephs U11B (A) 2 Dragon U11A 0
1 Dec 2023 St Josephs U11B (A) 3 Dragon U11B 0
0 out of 3 (excluding defaults) = 0%

Cup results

No cup results, except possibly in the test cups, for this person since drop-down player lists were introduced (2006-07).