Your age class determines your urban league category. The categories are Men’s and Women’s:
At each race the organisers will designate which categories should run which courses. The scores index page defines the number of races to count.
Points will be awarded for each category as follows: 100, 96, 93, 91, 90, 89, … . People tying will share the points for the relevant places, e.g. a tie for first and second gives 98 points and a tie for second, third and fourth gives 93.33 each.
At any given race, a competitor may score in only one category. Unless specified otherwise beforehand, he (or she) will score in the lowest category for which he is eligible; for example, if W Vet and W Supervet share a course, a W55 would score only as a W Supervet. A competitor who runs a course above that designated for his category will score in the lowest category for which he is eligible, e.g. an M55 running up on a course designated for M Open, W Open and M Veteran would score only as M Veteran.
In a competition with parallel heats and a set of graded finals, points will be awarded from the top of the A final downwards. Anybody not finishing both races will score zero.
We reserve the right to amend the scoring system during the year, with the aim of promoting competition or improving fairness in unforeseen circumstances.