Results for Grieve, Harry Results for Grieve, Harry (Hampshire)

Results for Grieve, Harry (Hampshire)

ECF Rating Information

Current Standard Rating 2521 A
Current Rapid Rating 2320 K
Rating code 272996K
Current (2023) ECF Member Number 5979 ECF   

From 2011-12 to 2019-20, grades were published in both July and January; both grades are listed. From 2020 onwards three-digit 'grades' were replaced by four-digit 'ratings'.

Opponents' ratings are fetched automatically from the ECF site. A missing rating implies that the a player's Rating Code has not been input by the team captain, or that the present rating is blank.

Note: Cup results (if any) follow the oldest league results.

League results

2015-16 Chiltern League Open

Standard Gradings 184, 187
date for board against result
12 Mar 2016 Hampshire A (H) 2 Staniforth, Matthew 176 Oxfordshire A 1
1 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 100%

2014-15 Chiltern League Open

Standard Gradings 174, 181
date for board against result
01 Nov 2014 Hampshire A (H) 9 Redmond, Michael F 155 Berkshire A 1
14 Mar 2015 Hampshire A (A) 4 Ogunshola, Olugbemiga Ben 192 Berkshire A 0.5
1.5 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 75%

2013-14 Chiltern League Open

Standard Gradings 152, 155
date for board against result
23 Nov 2013 Hampshire A (A) 12 Marcus, Clifford 163 Oxfordshire A 0
0 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 0%

2012-13 Chiltern League Open

Standard Gradings 146, 155
date for board against result
06 Oct 2012 Hampshire A (H) 17 Edmonds, Gregory 131 Buckinghamshire A 0.5
12 Jan 2013 Hampshire A (A) 11 Rasell, Geoff C 161 Oxfordshire A 0
16 Mar 2013 Hampshire A (H) 12 Beckett, Richard 146 Oxfordshire A 1
1.5 out of 3 (excluding defaults) = 50%

2012-13 Chiltern League U150

Standard Gradings 146, 155
date for board against result
02 Feb 2013 Hampshire B (H) 1 Millis, Brian G 153 Berkshire B 0.5
02 Mar 2013 Hampshire B (H) 1 Beckett, Richard 146 Oxfordshire B 0
0.5 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 25%

2011-12 Chiltern League U125

Standard Gradings 109, 143
date for board against result
19 Nov 2011 Hampshire C (A) 2 Glenn, Liam 125 Oxfordshire C 1
24 Mar 2012 Hampshire C (H) 2 Horsley, Keith 119 Oxfordshire C 1
2 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 100%

2009-10 Chiltern League U125

Standard Gradings ,
date for board against result
27 Mar 2010 Hampshire C (H) 5 English, Andrew JP 107 Oxfordshire C 0
0 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 0%

Cup results


2012-13 Minor

Standard Gradings 146, 155
date for board against result
08 Jun 2013 Hampshire (A) 11 Matthews, Adrian MS 163 Bedfordshire 0.5
0.5 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 50%